Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


aku mau ngasih tau arti dari Persahabatan, Kasih & Cinta...

  • Persahabatan itu seperti rumput ilalang, terjalin erat saling menunjang tak pernah binasa meski terik matahari samudra pasai.
  • Kasih itu seperti angin yang selalu memberi tak pernah meminta, ada dimana pun dan keadaan apapun.
  • Cinta itu seperti rumput kokoh, teduh selalu bertunas memberi kehangatan dan kedamaian.

and tips supaya berpacaran tapi gaak nyesel belakangan..

  1. kita tahu siapa dia, minimal dari temennya.
  2. pernah ngobrol yang lumayan panjang bersamanya, supaya tahu dooi orang yang asiik.
  3. tahu apa yang jadi kesukaannya, biar bisa menimbang apakah cocok tidak dengan kita.
  4. bisa menerima apa yang menjadi kesukaannya, biar tidak kaget dan banyak BT begitu udah deket dengan kita.
Tough ..
Arrogant ' I did for love despite their wealth and throne gone wasted for nothing.
Only debris strew love my wounds ..Why do you side with me?Originally 'happy that my taste. Dead ends and matchless words. How poignant these days ..
Fell and tried to bounce back with a small step that is not trending, recalling the warmth of the mother's arms with the words of wisdom are always with me.

Sahabat ku..

Ku katakan dengan indah dari hati yang terdalam bahwa aku dan kamu satu hati. Seandainya kita bisa ke taman langit, aku akan bercerita semua tentang kita. Walaupun masa lalu yang tertinggal dan hilang aku akan tetap menjadi sahabat dalam mimpi yang sempurna. Kita tertawa tetapi hanya dalam .khayalan tingkat tinggi. Dan mungkin bila nanti kau berada dibelakang ku aku akan bertanya, ada apa dengan mu? Dan bukalah topeng yang menutupi dirimu. Saat ini pikiranku di atas normal, tetapi aku dan bintang akan tetap menjagamu dan ku ingin kita bersama melihat bintang di surga.


Eye twilight
Ap memories again I have to remember ..
Since every inch of the sentence has changed color,
Being a long twilight of uncertainty ..
The beauty of what else should I carve,
Because blood flow has been diaangap water ..
Or 'I just pasrahkan on tomorrow?
Because this day no one dared to cry again ..
Or maybe the darkness is dissolved,
Will call back the memories of the soul
Buried deep. To no longer silent ..

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

about studentsite

Studentsite is any device or system that addresses used by students and lecturers in teaching and learning process to obtain information or submit information problem lecture.
In the studentsite have a lot of information, such as:

  • BAAK News: in BAAK there are a lot of information about the  system during the lectures take place that is provided to all students. And students can complete more and get information if a direct access BAAK site.
  • Schedule of lectures: in studentsite can instantly find and view the schedule and eyes kulaih what tomorrow will we follow, and there are classes and professors who teach. Just type the name or NPM we can immediately see the schedule we want.
  •  Academic schedule: in the academic schedule shows  information about the process of studying for one semester.
  •  Lecture note: the site where the professor gave the  task to the students through lectures message, and the student must have to see and do the tasks listed in the college message. And can be done through a blog site.
  •  Schedule test: in this site are the exam schedules of all  students and there are also classes that will be occupied during the exam.
  •  Writing (UG Portfolio): the student must do a task in which the lessons BLOG site softskill. And can directly connect with lecturers and assessors can directly evaluate and provide appropriate value in doing the task.
There are 3 community blog that can be directly accessed by students such as: Linux, banking, and photography.
The advantages and disadvantages of studentsite:
 Excess of studentsite students so much easier to see and access the information provided during the lecture. And the learning process become more efficient and effective.
 Lack of studentsite are many sites that work less well so that students do not complete the information. And often difficult to be open to view the information.

The rest studentsite very useful for students and lecturers in the process of learning and teaching.